Bourceret, A., Guan, R., Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T., Omidbakhshfard, A., Medeiros, D., Fernie, A., Hofmann, J., Sonnewald, U., Mayer, J., Gerlach, N., Bucher, M., Garrido-Oter, R., Spaepen, S., Schulze-Lefert, P. 2022 Maize field study reveals covaried microbiota and metabolic changes in roots over plant growth. mBio, XXX
Dorau, K., Bamminger, C., Koch, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2022 Evidences of soil warming from long-term trends (1951–2018) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Climatic Change, 170:9. LINK
Dorau, K., Uteau, D., Hövels, M., Peth, S., Mansfeldt, T. 2022 Soil aeration and redox potential as function of pore connectivity unravelled by X-ray microtomography imaging. European Journal of Soil Science, 73, 1–10. LINK
Dorau, K., Bohn, B., Weihermüller, L., Mansfeldt, T. 2021 Temperature-induced diurnal redox potential in soil. Enironmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 23, 1782–1790. LINK
Dorau, K., Wessel-Bothe, S., Milbert, G., Schrey, H. P., Elhaus, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2020. Climate change and redoximorphosis in a soil with stagnic properties. CATENA, 190, 104528. LINK
Dorau, K., Pohl, L., Henke, C., Höschen, C., Ufer, K., Mansfeldt, T., Mueller, C.W. 2019. Soil organic matter and phosphate sorption on natural and synthetic Fe oxides under in situ conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 13081–13087. LINK
Dorau, K., Luster, J., Mansfeldt, T. 2018. Soil aeration: the relation between air‐filled pore volume and redox potential, European Journal of Soil Science 69, 1035–1043. LINK
Dorau, K., Papenfuß, S., Mansfeldt, T., 2018. Temperature-dependent oxide removal from manganese- and iron oxide-coated soil redox bars. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 680-687. LINK
Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T., 2016. Comparison of redox potential dynamics in a diked marsh soil: 1990 to 1993 versus 2011 to 2014. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179, 641–651. LINK
Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars as a tool to study the in situ sorption behavior of elements in wet soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 16, 976–986. LINK
Dorau, K., Eickmeier, M., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Comparison of manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars for characterization of the redox status in wetland soils. WETLANDS 36, 133–144. LINK
Dorau, K., Gelhausen, H., Esplör, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Wetland restoration management under the aspect of climate change at a mesotrophic fen in Northern Germany. Ecolog-ical Engineering 84, 84–91. LINK
Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Manganese-Oxide-Coated Redox Bars as an Indicator of Reducing Conditions in Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 44, 696–703. LINK